Floral (Purple) Playing Cards, by Youlanda of Aloys Design Studio, USPCC 2013, limited edition of 1440, unnumbered, custom Silver seal, Out of Print. Masks, masquerade, Venetian. Brand new, sealed with cellophane

141.00 $


– Launched 2013, within 4 hours, the official website had sold out, with prices increasing on eBay.
– Check out the YouTube review by magicorthodoxy

Floral Deck is by Aloys Design Studio’s young female illustrator Youlanda.

Design time of more than 1800 hours, degree of finish is more than seen in most decks. In the ever growing Design and Deck market, Aloys hopes the Floral Deck can stand out and that it will be a welcomed addition to your collection.

The Floral Decks will have the following features:

100% custom artwork (more than 1800 hours spent on the design)
Metallic ink on Tuckbox, backs, and faces
Thick tuck paper
Custom deck seal

Additional information

Weight 0.2 kg


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